Recuperate Kinesiology

Labrador, Gold Coast


Regain your health, natually. Long-term solutions for

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Long Covid
  • Fertility Support
  • Allergies
  • Nutrition
  • Learning and Development
  • Children with reading difficulties
  • and much, much more
Leesa recuperate

Time to Recuperate

Is your body telling that something is just not right?

Are you looking for long-term solutions and not a quick fix?

I can help you rediscover the best version of yourself with Neuro-training Kinesiology.

About You

Like all of us today, you live a fast-paced life and do your best to stay healthy, physically and emotionally.

You may be a parent, carer, grandparent, young or old.

You are surrounded by toxins and stressors and you or your loved ones need some help to regain your health and find that zest for life again.

Perhaps its anxiety, depression, lack of energy, brain fog or muscular aches and pains.

You have tried various therapies and found some relief but it just doesn’t last.

You embrace natural therapies and are looking to find long-term solutions, tailored to the whole of you.

We can help.


searching for answers

Find the New You – or Rediscover the old.


Neuro-Training Kinesiology

Neuro-Training is a modality that is suitable for any age (children, teenagers, adults to the elderly) who wishes to improve their overall feeling of health and well being, alleviate stress and overcome their physical challenges.

healthy older couple


Mineral Analysis and Heavy Metal Toxicity Screening.

Oligoscan is a cutting edge technology that measures heavy metals, vitamins, minerals and trace elements in the body in real time. It is quick and non invasive. It is like having a photo taken of your hand.



Neuro-Training Kinesiology

Neuro-Training is a modality that is suitable for any age (children, teenagers, adults to the elderly) who wishes to improve their overall feeling of health and well being, alleviate stress and overcome their physical challenges.

healthy older couple


Mineral Analysis and Heavy Metal Toxicity Screening.

Oligoscan is a cutting edge technology that measures heavy metals, vitamins, minerals and trace elements in the body in real time. It is quick and non invasive. It is like having a photo taken of your hand.